So assuming the church is passionate about teaching on the Savior, his death, burial, and what's next
DIMENSION #2: The church’s teaching ministry also should teach about Christian spirituality and disciplines from God's Word. Once the new believer has learned of our Savior, it is the church’s responsibility to guide believers in "how to" in their prayers, quiet time, and spiritual reflection, fasting, giving, serving and ministry, and so on.
We should teach how to fear the Lord and constantly reproof our flesh in order to stay away from sin. I believe that as a church we are weak in this area. Sure preachers and teachers may be teaching this, but are we being effective? I say in some cases yes, but for the church body as a whole....."no". Why? We dont teach application very well. Look how the desires of the world have infiltrated the Church of Jesus Christ today. Look at the churches that are knee deep in selfishness and pride, they are more excited about what they have (buildings) instead of worshipping and serving the Lord and a deep desire to expand the kingdom of God.
Paul mentions that we should not stay like “babes”, but we should strive to become mature believers. We can only achieve this by our personal quiet time of study and prayer, and with the help of the church teaching ministry to teach us God's Word, His instruction for our lives. Christians need to be taught about thinking with the Holy Spirit within them and following God's will for their life. What would the church look like today if that was taught, learned and applied in each person's life?
What can we do to begin teaching about the spiritual and Christian disciplines from God's Word? How do we engage people to live by the Spirit and follow Jesus? Preaching....Preaching....Preaching....Teaching...Teaching...Teaching!!! Did I say that enough?
By the way, think of the impact this particular Dallas pastor would have made if he taught on the disciplines of a Christian's life such as challenging their church to fast and pray for seven days versus challenging their married couples to have sex for seven days....hhhmmmm!!! Stay tuned for the next dimension!! Brian
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Why the church must teach today? Part 1
Matt 28:19 and 20 says "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen.
The Great Commission gives us the command to “make disciples” and to “teach to all nations” and we should take this command seriously. What kind of commitment do you think it takes to be able to teach like this? It takes a constant effort and deep commitment to be the teacher God has commanded us to be.
The church of Jesus Christ is a teacher, instructing men and women in Christian faith and discipleship. The faith which the church proclaims must be strengthened by the teaching of the gospel. Paul reminded the early Christians that one of the offices of the church was the pastor/teacher who worked “to equip God’s people for work in his service, for the building up of the body of Christ” (Eph. 4:12 REB).
I want to take the next few blogs and talk about the church’s teaching ministry which has numerous dimensions:
DIMENSION #1: The church teaches about Jesus. The church presents the basic details of Jesus’ life and ministry: His death, burial, and resurrection. It helps members understand the meaning of these events for all times. In the early church, learners were those given instruction in Christian faith prior to receiving baptism and full membership in the community of faith. Later church leaders such as Martin Luther and John Calvin wrote catechisms, books for instructing persons in faith and doctrine. The church is called to retell the story of Jesus in every generation.
In most Bible Study settings, unless we are studying the gospels, we study Jesus during Easter and Christmas which is such a shame. Jesus is the head of the church and we rarely teach this truth. I have often heard from church members throughout the years, "This is my church..." or "At our church..." claiming ownership over something Jesus Christ, our Savior, died for and He is the head of. We need to be passionate about teaching Jesus and how we grow as Christians because of our relationship with Him and also whom we surrendered our life to and what that means. Maybe this is why so many new Christians arent successful with spiritual growth because they are not getting teaching about their Savior who called them unto Himself to be saved.
Ask yourself, how much do you really know about Jesus? & How has the church helped in teaching you about Jesus? Chime in your thoughts and stay tuned for the next DIMENSION.......Brian
The Great Commission gives us the command to “make disciples” and to “teach to all nations” and we should take this command seriously. What kind of commitment do you think it takes to be able to teach like this? It takes a constant effort and deep commitment to be the teacher God has commanded us to be.
The church of Jesus Christ is a teacher, instructing men and women in Christian faith and discipleship. The faith which the church proclaims must be strengthened by the teaching of the gospel. Paul reminded the early Christians that one of the offices of the church was the pastor/teacher who worked “to equip God’s people for work in his service, for the building up of the body of Christ” (Eph. 4:12 REB).
I want to take the next few blogs and talk about the church’s teaching ministry which has numerous dimensions:
DIMENSION #1: The church teaches about Jesus. The church presents the basic details of Jesus’ life and ministry: His death, burial, and resurrection. It helps members understand the meaning of these events for all times. In the early church, learners were those given instruction in Christian faith prior to receiving baptism and full membership in the community of faith. Later church leaders such as Martin Luther and John Calvin wrote catechisms, books for instructing persons in faith and doctrine. The church is called to retell the story of Jesus in every generation.
In most Bible Study settings, unless we are studying the gospels, we study Jesus during Easter and Christmas which is such a shame. Jesus is the head of the church and we rarely teach this truth. I have often heard from church members throughout the years, "This is my church..." or "At our church..." claiming ownership over something Jesus Christ, our Savior, died for and He is the head of. We need to be passionate about teaching Jesus and how we grow as Christians because of our relationship with Him and also whom we surrendered our life to and what that means. Maybe this is why so many new Christians arent successful with spiritual growth because they are not getting teaching about their Savior who called them unto Himself to be saved.
Ask yourself, how much do you really know about Jesus? & How has the church helped in teaching you about Jesus? Chime in your thoughts and stay tuned for the next DIMENSION.......Brian
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
How Important are Teacher's......Qualities???
Any teacher whether it be a public school educator, a college professor, or a Sunday school teacher has many roles to take on as they use the classroom as their environment of learning. When we look at the example of Jesus, he took on twelve disciples to teach. He trained and taught these students what he wanted them to know, and he expected them to use that knowledge to go and teach the masses as they start the church. Teachers also need to look at the role of the learning leader, one that teaches who should be a student as well. Not only can teachers expand their knowledge by attending conferences, seminars, and other means; they can even learn from their own students.
All teachers should be good communicators. The way the lesson is presented is of the utmost importance. The learner should be able to easily understand what is being presented. The classroom can be provided with chalkboards, bulletin boards, dry erase board, and a video projector to be able to assist the teacher with various ways to communicate the lesson. A good communicator shows good posture, eye-contact, encourages learning, asks questions, and helps to provide a non-distracting environment. Another point of effective communication is having the ability to keep the lesson flowing according to the lesson plan based on the objectives and goals of the class. This step takes time and experience in teaching in order to master.
A teacher should always strive to be an example. You do not have to be a perfect model, but someone who is struggling with the same difficulties that a learner might have. Some of the characteristics of an example are a mature person, patient, graceful, Christ-like, and one that is worthy of imitation. An example is an ideal that serves as a pattern and is also someone who lives out what he or she teaches. Jesus was the perfect example as we see many times throughout the New Testament. He showed how important it was to always serve another by an outward gesture to the disciples: “Then he put water into a basin and was washing the feet of the disciples and drying them with the cloth which was round him.” (NIV 1985, 951)
A teacher should be a motivator. If you teach, the material must be presented with a passion. When we teach Sunday School we are teaching truths of the Bible and we should teach with fire. We should also be practical. When I taught high school, I always had to think about why they need to be learning a specific lesson. How does this apply to the big picture? The material has to be on a personal level too. If students take a personal interest in learning it will touch them for the rest of their lives. When you build motivation on this personal interest it will also build up their curiosity to go out on their own and learn more and become more involved in what you are teaching.
The teacher should take on the role of guide. They become a life long guide as the person moves from one level to the next, and then repeat the cycle for the next concept, or to review the last one. (Yount 1995, 145) Jesus showed us this by leading the disciples through so many things. He not only taught them, he showed them how to do things such as teach about the kingdom of heaven and of the second coming. He also showed them how to be compassionate to others and used parables to help illustrate His point.
A teacher can also be a resource provider. They can help tremendously in the life of the church by building mentoring relationships; to disciple others and see the learner grow with spiritual maturity. They are also the one that people turn to for help in times of crisis, so it is helpful to know the resources of the community and the church. The resource provider is constantly connecting learners to the church in order to help people to find places to serve.
Dr. Yount says in Called to Teach that we should “Challenge students toward excellence, but measure their accomplishments with honest weights. Let us move beyond scholarly discourses to include the qualities of nurture, guidance, and support, not only in our teaching style, but in our grading practices as well.” (Yount 1999, 219)
How can a teacher be responsible for all these qualities? First, a teacher must be willing to always be a student. A teacher cannot give away what he or she does not have.
One must first be a learner before being a teacher. If you are always learning, then you are trying to better yourself. Churches can play an active role by providing some type of teacher training on a regular basis. Sunday School gurus say that every church should meet weekly or at least monthly for a general meeting to discuss the lesson to be taught and help to organize teachers and identify needs.
Second, a teacher should be as close to God as possible through prayer, studying the Word, and using helps when studying such as commentaries and other resources. The Bible tells us that we are to answer for what we have taught to others. The closer we are to God, the better we can handle this situation. This personal relationship will not only help in our teaching but it will help to bring forth qualities that we struggle with. Not every teacher can have a dynamic personality or be the greatest communicator, but the passion we teach with shows how God’s Word lives in our life.
What is the role of the teacher? A teacher is a communicator who motivates and guides his/her students by example, and resource provider. A teacher is also a learner. The goal of a teacher is to promote change. In Jeremiah 15:16, the Bible tells us “When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, O Lord God Almighty.” (NIV 1985, 687) As we teach, we should always find joy and delight in the knowledge that God has given us through the Scriptures and the ability to teach His Word as well.
All teachers should be good communicators. The way the lesson is presented is of the utmost importance. The learner should be able to easily understand what is being presented. The classroom can be provided with chalkboards, bulletin boards, dry erase board, and a video projector to be able to assist the teacher with various ways to communicate the lesson. A good communicator shows good posture, eye-contact, encourages learning, asks questions, and helps to provide a non-distracting environment. Another point of effective communication is having the ability to keep the lesson flowing according to the lesson plan based on the objectives and goals of the class. This step takes time and experience in teaching in order to master.
A teacher should always strive to be an example. You do not have to be a perfect model, but someone who is struggling with the same difficulties that a learner might have. Some of the characteristics of an example are a mature person, patient, graceful, Christ-like, and one that is worthy of imitation. An example is an ideal that serves as a pattern and is also someone who lives out what he or she teaches. Jesus was the perfect example as we see many times throughout the New Testament. He showed how important it was to always serve another by an outward gesture to the disciples: “Then he put water into a basin and was washing the feet of the disciples and drying them with the cloth which was round him.” (NIV 1985, 951)
A teacher should be a motivator. If you teach, the material must be presented with a passion. When we teach Sunday School we are teaching truths of the Bible and we should teach with fire. We should also be practical. When I taught high school, I always had to think about why they need to be learning a specific lesson. How does this apply to the big picture? The material has to be on a personal level too. If students take a personal interest in learning it will touch them for the rest of their lives. When you build motivation on this personal interest it will also build up their curiosity to go out on their own and learn more and become more involved in what you are teaching.
The teacher should take on the role of guide. They become a life long guide as the person moves from one level to the next, and then repeat the cycle for the next concept, or to review the last one. (Yount 1995, 145) Jesus showed us this by leading the disciples through so many things. He not only taught them, he showed them how to do things such as teach about the kingdom of heaven and of the second coming. He also showed them how to be compassionate to others and used parables to help illustrate His point.
A teacher can also be a resource provider. They can help tremendously in the life of the church by building mentoring relationships; to disciple others and see the learner grow with spiritual maturity. They are also the one that people turn to for help in times of crisis, so it is helpful to know the resources of the community and the church. The resource provider is constantly connecting learners to the church in order to help people to find places to serve.
Dr. Yount says in Called to Teach that we should “Challenge students toward excellence, but measure their accomplishments with honest weights. Let us move beyond scholarly discourses to include the qualities of nurture, guidance, and support, not only in our teaching style, but in our grading practices as well.” (Yount 1999, 219)
How can a teacher be responsible for all these qualities? First, a teacher must be willing to always be a student. A teacher cannot give away what he or she does not have.
One must first be a learner before being a teacher. If you are always learning, then you are trying to better yourself. Churches can play an active role by providing some type of teacher training on a regular basis. Sunday School gurus say that every church should meet weekly or at least monthly for a general meeting to discuss the lesson to be taught and help to organize teachers and identify needs.
Second, a teacher should be as close to God as possible through prayer, studying the Word, and using helps when studying such as commentaries and other resources. The Bible tells us that we are to answer for what we have taught to others. The closer we are to God, the better we can handle this situation. This personal relationship will not only help in our teaching but it will help to bring forth qualities that we struggle with. Not every teacher can have a dynamic personality or be the greatest communicator, but the passion we teach with shows how God’s Word lives in our life.
What is the role of the teacher? A teacher is a communicator who motivates and guides his/her students by example, and resource provider. A teacher is also a learner. The goal of a teacher is to promote change. In Jeremiah 15:16, the Bible tells us “When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, O Lord God Almighty.” (NIV 1985, 687) As we teach, we should always find joy and delight in the knowledge that God has given us through the Scriptures and the ability to teach His Word as well.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Church Anniversaries and Why we celebrate them
Someone recently belittled "anniversaries" in the church and jokingly asked why we celebrate them. (this person is not a member of Telephone Baptist, but lives in our small community in NE Fannin County) I really feel interestingly and curiously challenged by this question and wanted to write something about it.
Some folks may wonder that this is another plot to please people or have another "big" event in the church to just waste money on. We did buy the pencils and pens, refrigerator magnets, bumper stickers, and a history book (which was incredibly done). We had a sweet woman that was very passionate about TBC church history and set up displays about the past. Of course we have to eat.......a huge brisket lunch on Sunday with yummy desserts. Testimonies were given, prayers were voiced, former pastors preached, lots of singing and even a concert by a quartet, Lord's Supper celebrated, and deacons served.
In the Old Testament we see that the Israelites gathered for festivals to celebrate God's greatness. We know the focus is on the covenant they had with the Lord. The 21st century church is under our Lord's direction and we too should gather and celebrate God's greatness. We are talking about 125 years of being rooted in the Lord placed in this community of Telephone. The church here has been a pillar of the community for this long.
By the way, every church has a history. All of them are very interesting. You would be surprised on what was voted in past years. It is good to reflect on the past and build on it. The good people of the past have built what is here today. Some of it is the next generation of a faithful family who have never really left their home. Some are the facilities the church and community has met for decades. It is good to celebrate what God has done through the servants of the past. It is also good to really look at what is happening now....the present. These two tools will help to form what the church can be in the future.
The theme of every anniversary should be "God's Blessings". We are blessed!! We don't show or tell God our thanks enough. Every 25 years, it is good to gather for a planned time of thanksgiving to God to praise Him for His greatness. We even members come who are on the role but do not attend regularly. I was so thankful to see and greet them. I can give thanks for providing an opportunity to see them again.
I hope this 125th anniversary gave thanks to the Lord as celebrate His goodness to us!! This anniversary certainly made me think of what I am thankful for!! I am blessed to serve Him!!
So go forth and celebrate!!
Some folks may wonder that this is another plot to please people or have another "big" event in the church to just waste money on. We did buy the pencils and pens, refrigerator magnets, bumper stickers, and a history book (which was incredibly done). We had a sweet woman that was very passionate about TBC church history and set up displays about the past. Of course we have to eat.......a huge brisket lunch on Sunday with yummy desserts. Testimonies were given, prayers were voiced, former pastors preached, lots of singing and even a concert by a quartet, Lord's Supper celebrated, and deacons served.
In the Old Testament we see that the Israelites gathered for festivals to celebrate God's greatness. We know the focus is on the covenant they had with the Lord. The 21st century church is under our Lord's direction and we too should gather and celebrate God's greatness. We are talking about 125 years of being rooted in the Lord placed in this community of Telephone. The church here has been a pillar of the community for this long.
By the way, every church has a history. All of them are very interesting. You would be surprised on what was voted in past years. It is good to reflect on the past and build on it. The good people of the past have built what is here today. Some of it is the next generation of a faithful family who have never really left their home. Some are the facilities the church and community has met for decades. It is good to celebrate what God has done through the servants of the past. It is also good to really look at what is happening now....the present. These two tools will help to form what the church can be in the future.
The theme of every anniversary should be "God's Blessings". We are blessed!! We don't show or tell God our thanks enough. Every 25 years, it is good to gather for a planned time of thanksgiving to God to praise Him for His greatness. We even members come who are on the role but do not attend regularly. I was so thankful to see and greet them. I can give thanks for providing an opportunity to see them again.
I hope this 125th anniversary gave thanks to the Lord as celebrate His goodness to us!! This anniversary certainly made me think of what I am thankful for!! I am blessed to serve Him!!
So go forth and celebrate!!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
My views on Church Growth
Okay, some of you that know me well may get mad, confused, or you may just "Amen" as I write about this interesting subject of church growth. There is so much pressure on the pastor today to grow the church. As a matter of fact, most search committees want to know how a pastor plans to grow the church. There are tons of books written by pastors who have been successful in growing the mega church. Unfortunately we see pastors who use churches as stepping stones to reach the next "better and bigger" church where he will make more money and end up retiring in a mega church at a ripe old age. That is success!! (I hope you know I am being sarcastic in that last line) In this grand land where we live, we are measured by success and why shouldnt it be the same in the church.
Church Growth now means physical growth. We are very unconcerned with the spiritual growth of churches. I mentioned Sunday in my sermon on Romans 1:16-17 that someone sent me a forwarded email about how wonderful Paul Harvey and how he was standing up for Christianity against the tolerance of all things in our nation. Do you know how many Christians were listed on that forwarded message? They don't have time to stand up, they just have time to forward. We have forgotten what it is like to live out our faith..........that is success in God's eyes....that the RIGHTEOUS would live by FAITH. We are saved by grace through FAITH. How strong is our faith...really?
I still believe that spiritual growth is the key to success as a pastor and church. We should ask ourselves each year: In what ways are we helping people to grow spiritually? I never want to worry about physical growth or gauge myself by it with success. A church member said last week that "Since Bro. Brian has been here our church has grown" meaning our attendance has increased. I would much rather be encouraged about the spiritual growth in Sunday School, sermons preached, worship, Bible study, personal quiet time, or any way someone has grown because of their faith in Christ Jesus.
Church growth has become such a passion of the church, the church has lost its impact in the community and in believers lives. Churches are dying today due to the lack of spiritual growth. We are all about show and being sensitive to everyone's feelings instead of delivering God's truth about how to be a true servant of God. I hope and pray that my focus will remain the same and my passion to teach and preach God's Word will never dim. I counted 4 times a week that I have the honor to teach or preach the Bible. Boy, am I blessed!!! Where do you stand on the matter of church growth?
Church Growth now means physical growth. We are very unconcerned with the spiritual growth of churches. I mentioned Sunday in my sermon on Romans 1:16-17 that someone sent me a forwarded email about how wonderful Paul Harvey and how he was standing up for Christianity against the tolerance of all things in our nation. Do you know how many Christians were listed on that forwarded message? They don't have time to stand up, they just have time to forward. We have forgotten what it is like to live out our faith..........that is success in God's eyes....that the RIGHTEOUS would live by FAITH. We are saved by grace through FAITH. How strong is our faith...really?
I still believe that spiritual growth is the key to success as a pastor and church. We should ask ourselves each year: In what ways are we helping people to grow spiritually? I never want to worry about physical growth or gauge myself by it with success. A church member said last week that "Since Bro. Brian has been here our church has grown" meaning our attendance has increased. I would much rather be encouraged about the spiritual growth in Sunday School, sermons preached, worship, Bible study, personal quiet time, or any way someone has grown because of their faith in Christ Jesus.
Church growth has become such a passion of the church, the church has lost its impact in the community and in believers lives. Churches are dying today due to the lack of spiritual growth. We are all about show and being sensitive to everyone's feelings instead of delivering God's truth about how to be a true servant of God. I hope and pray that my focus will remain the same and my passion to teach and preach God's Word will never dim. I counted 4 times a week that I have the honor to teach or preach the Bible. Boy, am I blessed!!! Where do you stand on the matter of church growth?
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Taking our Relationship with God for Granted
House church leader Hua Huiqi hoped to attend service with President Bush.
DUBLIN, August 11 (Compass Direct News) – Security agents yesterday seized Christian activist and house church pastor Hua Huiqi on his way to a service at the government-approved Kuanjie Protestant Church in Beijing, where U.S. President George Bush was scheduled to appear. Bush later attended the service before meeting with Chinese President Hu Jintao to discuss human rights concerns, including religious freedom.
“I told him not to go because it’s during the Olympic Games, and this period is sensitive,” Hua’s brother Hua Huilin told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. AP reporters said the line was disconnected three times during the conversation, suggesting that authorities were monitoring the phone call. When Hua insisted on going, however, his brother agreed to travel with him.
As the men cycled towards the church, two black cars approached them. Police seized both men and took them away in separate cars, detaining them in the courtyard of the Hong Kong New World Development Ltd. Co., according to the China Aid Association (CAA). But around noon, police guards relaxed for a moment and activist Hua managed to escape. Police released his brother later that afternoon.
According to the AP report, authorities have arrested and beaten Hua several times in recent years because of his religious activities. Hua also gained a reputation as an activist when he fought against a development project that led to the demolition of his home in 2001. Hua was baptized at the Kuanjie church 10 years ago but has since been a member of a Beijing house church.
In recent months, as part of a “clean-up” operation in Beijing, authorities forced him to attend services at the Kuanjie church instead. The church is registered with China’s Three Self Patriotic Movement, a government body assigned to oversee Protestant churches throughout the country. Since registration places strict controls on the appointment of clergy, sermon content and evangelism, many Chinese believers – such as Hua – prefer to worship in unregistered house churches.
As the Games drew closer and Bush was scheduled to attend a service at the Kuanjie church, authorities banned Hua and his family from attending. According to CAA, most people present at the church on Sunday were “security people, political workers and people trained … to pose as believers.” One church member who spoke to CAA complained, “No one is allowed to enter the church.”
This reminds me straight from the book of Acts: house churches that were meeting despite the opposition (from Rome and harassment from the Jews). They really knew what a Spirit filled life was all about based upon their salvation by grace through faith. Except from this article, these people still continue to meet amidst the persecution and government controlled churches. They filled the church with so called bodies who were told to be there to make it look good? Oh man!!! How many of us pose as believers today? Do we look like we have relationship with the Lord, but we are pretending on the outside? Sometimes these pretenders are called Sunday only believers who come to church to look good or to pretend to believe.
Boy do we have alot to be thankful for. And, we take our relationship with God FOR GRANTED!! Hua is my hero!! (Leave your comments to chime in)
DUBLIN, August 11 (Compass Direct News) – Security agents yesterday seized Christian activist and house church pastor Hua Huiqi on his way to a service at the government-approved Kuanjie Protestant Church in Beijing, where U.S. President George Bush was scheduled to appear. Bush later attended the service before meeting with Chinese President Hu Jintao to discuss human rights concerns, including religious freedom.
“I told him not to go because it’s during the Olympic Games, and this period is sensitive,” Hua’s brother Hua Huilin told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. AP reporters said the line was disconnected three times during the conversation, suggesting that authorities were monitoring the phone call. When Hua insisted on going, however, his brother agreed to travel with him.
As the men cycled towards the church, two black cars approached them. Police seized both men and took them away in separate cars, detaining them in the courtyard of the Hong Kong New World Development Ltd. Co., according to the China Aid Association (CAA). But around noon, police guards relaxed for a moment and activist Hua managed to escape. Police released his brother later that afternoon.
According to the AP report, authorities have arrested and beaten Hua several times in recent years because of his religious activities. Hua also gained a reputation as an activist when he fought against a development project that led to the demolition of his home in 2001. Hua was baptized at the Kuanjie church 10 years ago but has since been a member of a Beijing house church.
In recent months, as part of a “clean-up” operation in Beijing, authorities forced him to attend services at the Kuanjie church instead. The church is registered with China’s Three Self Patriotic Movement, a government body assigned to oversee Protestant churches throughout the country. Since registration places strict controls on the appointment of clergy, sermon content and evangelism, many Chinese believers – such as Hua – prefer to worship in unregistered house churches.
As the Games drew closer and Bush was scheduled to attend a service at the Kuanjie church, authorities banned Hua and his family from attending. According to CAA, most people present at the church on Sunday were “security people, political workers and people trained … to pose as believers.” One church member who spoke to CAA complained, “No one is allowed to enter the church.”
This reminds me straight from the book of Acts: house churches that were meeting despite the opposition (from Rome and harassment from the Jews). They really knew what a Spirit filled life was all about based upon their salvation by grace through faith. Except from this article, these people still continue to meet amidst the persecution and government controlled churches. They filled the church with so called bodies who were told to be there to make it look good? Oh man!!! How many of us pose as believers today? Do we look like we have relationship with the Lord, but we are pretending on the outside? Sometimes these pretenders are called Sunday only believers who come to church to look good or to pretend to believe.
Boy do we have alot to be thankful for. And, we take our relationship with God FOR GRANTED!! Hua is my hero!! (Leave your comments to chime in)
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Drive By Marital Counseling
I was minding my own business trimming a massive tree in the front lawn of FBC Del Rio, when all of the sudden a man in his car stopped and called me over to the car. He didnt ask the other two guys that were there or the two students, Trev or Olive, he specifically asked me. I was dripping wet with sweat, a had my nasty work trucker hat on with nasty tshirt and shorts and holding a pole saw. (a chain saw on a long stick)
After asking if I was a minister or not, here was the $20,000 question of the day was: What would you do if a woman in your car was kicking in your dashboard? (there was a woman in the passenger seat and two boys in the back seat ages 8 and 14 maybe? and a hole in the dashboard where someone had kicked it in) "What would you do sir?"
I really had to think about this for a minute...I mean I dont get asked this question every day. He followed with this statement: "I am about to call the police!!" I asked him what relation this woman was to him and he replied: my WIFE!! I told him that "that was definitely a bad idea". Bro. B Marital Counseling Rule #1: Don't ever call the police on your wife, unless she has a weapon intending to use it on you. That's just good for the relationship.
I am a big fan of the show, "Everyone Loves Raymond." It is about a dysfinctional marriage and family but at the end of each show, Raymond and Debra always work it out. It is hilarious to ee how Raymond is always trying to get his way in things. How do you work things out with your significant "other"? Does it get so bad that you have to kick in your dashboard to get one another's attention? Communicate!! Talk to each other and respect each other's feelings.
I have learned throughout the years that marriage is about "sacrifice". When you have someone you love, you will sacrifice your selfish ambitions to become "one" (unified and together) as a couple as God meant for us to be. Paul even tells us in Ephesians that husbands ought to do this for our wives just as Christ sacrificed himself for the church. Don't let selfishness take over your relationships so badly that you have to get Drive By Marital Counseling from a pole saw wielding stinky pastor.
After asking if I was a minister or not, here was the $20,000 question of the day was: What would you do if a woman in your car was kicking in your dashboard? (there was a woman in the passenger seat and two boys in the back seat ages 8 and 14 maybe? and a hole in the dashboard where someone had kicked it in) "What would you do sir?"
I really had to think about this for a minute...I mean I dont get asked this question every day. He followed with this statement: "I am about to call the police!!" I asked him what relation this woman was to him and he replied: my WIFE!! I told him that "that was definitely a bad idea". Bro. B Marital Counseling Rule #1: Don't ever call the police on your wife, unless she has a weapon intending to use it on you. That's just good for the relationship.
I am a big fan of the show, "Everyone Loves Raymond." It is about a dysfinctional marriage and family but at the end of each show, Raymond and Debra always work it out. It is hilarious to ee how Raymond is always trying to get his way in things. How do you work things out with your significant "other"? Does it get so bad that you have to kick in your dashboard to get one another's attention? Communicate!! Talk to each other and respect each other's feelings.
I have learned throughout the years that marriage is about "sacrifice". When you have someone you love, you will sacrifice your selfish ambitions to become "one" (unified and together) as a couple as God meant for us to be. Paul even tells us in Ephesians that husbands ought to do this for our wives just as Christ sacrificed himself for the church. Don't let selfishness take over your relationships so badly that you have to get Drive By Marital Counseling from a pole saw wielding stinky pastor.
Monday, April 7, 2008
God is laying MISSIONS on my heart
I have been recently convicted by the Holy Spirit about missions and the lack of international missions emphasis in the local church and the local association. After my seminary experience, I researched a people group in Indonesia and it really opened my eyes to what is happening outside the United States. People would die if you asked them to go to Germany, Russia, or Africa on a mission trip. Some would say they are too old, or that they are not interested in this sort of thing. I have led many US mission trips and it is about time to light the church afire of groups of people who need the gospel around the world.
Here is the big announcement: I feel as if God is leading our church towards the great country of.............................PERU!! That's right, South America.
We need to spend our resources and our time to help missionary efforts there and to really immerse ourselves in the people groups there that need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Isnt this commanded of us in Acts 1:8. It is one thing to be an Acts 1:8 church, but it is another to actually go and pray for God's leadership in what we are to do. First of all, we should serve these people in all ways possible, help to strengthen the churches and church plants, and bathe this country in prayer.
It is time to make the first step: I will take it by obeying the Lord and making contact with missionaries there!!! Get on board with me as I pray to cast a vision net over our church!! i am very excited!!
Here is the big announcement: I feel as if God is leading our church towards the great country of.............................PERU!! That's right, South America.
We need to spend our resources and our time to help missionary efforts there and to really immerse ourselves in the people groups there that need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Isnt this commanded of us in Acts 1:8. It is one thing to be an Acts 1:8 church, but it is another to actually go and pray for God's leadership in what we are to do. First of all, we should serve these people in all ways possible, help to strengthen the churches and church plants, and bathe this country in prayer.
It is time to make the first step: I will take it by obeying the Lord and making contact with missionaries there!!! Get on board with me as I pray to cast a vision net over our church!! i am very excited!!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Easter Sunday
Boy, was this Easter a busy one!! Sunrise Service (or should I say overcast service) at Lake Coffee Mill at 7 AM. I am not a morning person and I needed to get excited about telling the resurrection story out of the Gospel of John at approx. 7:10 AM in 45 degree weather with a slight wind. There were about 20 people there and that was their Easter morning service.
I also noticed that during the morning service in the sanctuary there were alot of sleepy eyes. This frustrates me to see this. Everywhere I look people are heavy eyed, bobbing their heads, drooling on thier neighbor, getting elbowed by their wives, and even snoring. When Jesus tells the women in Matthew to go and tell the disciples about His resurrection, they consider the women's testimonies as nonsense, they refused to believe. I wonder at times when I am preaching God's Word if the disciples I am preaching to are treating it the same.
The Gospel of Mark says that Jesus reproached them for disbelief and hardness of heart. Should I pound on the pulpit more, make balloon animals, sparkle up the presentation? If we all would tell the truth why we come to worship, do you think some would say, i am doing my weekly duty and punching in for the week? What do you expect from me?
It is then that Jesus gave the Great Commission to "make disciples." That is what He wants from us!!
I also noticed that during the morning service in the sanctuary there were alot of sleepy eyes. This frustrates me to see this. Everywhere I look people are heavy eyed, bobbing their heads, drooling on thier neighbor, getting elbowed by their wives, and even snoring. When Jesus tells the women in Matthew to go and tell the disciples about His resurrection, they consider the women's testimonies as nonsense, they refused to believe. I wonder at times when I am preaching God's Word if the disciples I am preaching to are treating it the same.
The Gospel of Mark says that Jesus reproached them for disbelief and hardness of heart. Should I pound on the pulpit more, make balloon animals, sparkle up the presentation? If we all would tell the truth why we come to worship, do you think some would say, i am doing my weekly duty and punching in for the week? What do you expect from me?
It is then that Jesus gave the Great Commission to "make disciples." That is what He wants from us!!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Business Conference Sunday 2/17 Thoughts
There were several things accomplished of great value at the Business Conference Sunday night.
One, a Long Range Planning Committee will be formed to come up with a 3 to 5 year plan for Telephone Baptist. Two, the video projection system and location of the sound booth will be given to the Worship Planning Team to oversee and collect plans, bids, and ideas for. Three, the church okayed the expansion of the deacon body to begin the process for deacon nominations in April.
We stayed a grueling two hours but accomplished lots. Now we must continually pray for God's work through these things as Nehemiah did in Chapter 2. I hope that we do NOT focus on growing physically so much, but on the spiritual growth of people. That is God's desire for His church..."to make disciples". I will pray that we will focus on this in 2008 as we face new challenges together for the Lord and ask for His wisdom how to move forward!!
Blessings...Bro. B
One, a Long Range Planning Committee will be formed to come up with a 3 to 5 year plan for Telephone Baptist. Two, the video projection system and location of the sound booth will be given to the Worship Planning Team to oversee and collect plans, bids, and ideas for. Three, the church okayed the expansion of the deacon body to begin the process for deacon nominations in April.
We stayed a grueling two hours but accomplished lots. Now we must continually pray for God's work through these things as Nehemiah did in Chapter 2. I hope that we do NOT focus on growing physically so much, but on the spiritual growth of people. That is God's desire for His church..."to make disciples". I will pray that we will focus on this in 2008 as we face new challenges together for the Lord and ask for His wisdom how to move forward!!
Blessings...Bro. B
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