There were several things accomplished of great value at the Business Conference Sunday night.
One, a Long Range Planning Committee will be formed to come up with a 3 to 5 year plan for Telephone Baptist. Two, the video projection system and location of the sound booth will be given to the Worship Planning Team to oversee and collect plans, bids, and ideas for. Three, the church okayed the expansion of the deacon body to begin the process for deacon nominations in April.
We stayed a grueling two hours but accomplished lots. Now we must continually pray for God's work through these things as Nehemiah did in Chapter 2. I hope that we do NOT focus on growing physically so much, but on the spiritual growth of people. That is God's desire for His church..."to make disciples". I will pray that we will focus on this in 2008 as we face new challenges together for the Lord and ask for His wisdom how to move forward!!
Blessings...Bro. B