Lifeway Research has continuously put forth in the past few years that many American Christians are not reading their Bibles.
Here is the statement: “The survey found 90 percent of churchgoers agree "I desire to please and honor Jesus in all I do," and 59 percent agree with the statement: "Throughout the day I find myself thinking about biblical truths." While the majority agree with both statements, there is a significant difference in the strength of agreement. Nearly two-thirds of churchgoers (64 percent) strongly agree with the first statement, but only 20 percent strongly agree with the second.
However, when asked how often they personally (not as part of a church worship service) read the Bible, a similar number respond "Every Day" (19 percent) as respond "Rarely/Never" (18 percent). A quarter indicate they read the Bible a few times a week. Fourteen percent say they read the Bible "Once a Week" and another 22 percent say "Once a Month" or "A Few Times a Month."
"Bible engagement has an impact in just about every area of spiritual growth," said Ed Stetzer, president of LifeWay Research. "You can follow Christ and see Christianity as your source of truth, but if that truth does not permeate your thoughts, aspirations and actions, you are not fully engaging the truth.”
Simple steps need to be taken:
1. READ…just take a few minutes a day to read a few verses if you don’t have daily reading habits. There are plenty ways to do this. You can sign up for a daily devotional by email, there are apps you can get for free to read on your phone, our church offers a Open Windows devotional book for free every quarter, or just pick up the Word and open it.
2. LISTEN….to what you have read. Let it soak in, let it resonate in you and become wisdom to your heart. What does this mean? How does this effect you? Is this leading you to obedience in your relationship with the Lord? Spend time meditating on what you have read during the day.
3. SHARE….find time through the day to share what you have read with your spouse, with friends, with coworkers, your children or family, post it on facebook or tweet it! If it impacts your life, which it should, God’s Word needs to be shared.
We all should be accountable to reading God’s Word. His Word guides our lives and shares the life changing message of the Gospel, the message of salvation and hope through His Son, Jesus. Read, Listen and Share! God Bless, Bro. B