BALANCE....Psalm 23:4a: "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,I fear no evil, for You are with me;"
Bro. Derek did such a great job sharing God's Word on this verse. Here are some notes:
1. Focus on the word DEATH - there is a fear of death. Sheep are afraid of anything. It is the shepherd that can lead them to where they need to go SAFELY. It was appropriate that we are solemnly recognizing 9/11 in our nation and the fear our nation went through. The acts of terror that has a hold on us. Salmawet is the Hebrew word for "shadow of death" literally meaning darkness. We can be led through this darkness without fear, as long as the Good Shepherd leads us.
1. Focus on the word DEATH - there is a fear of death. Sheep are afraid of anything. It is the shepherd that can lead them to where they need to go SAFELY. It was appropriate that we are solemnly recognizing 9/11 in our nation and the fear our nation went through. The acts of terror that has a hold on us. Salmawet is the Hebrew word for "shadow of death" literally meaning darkness. We can be led through this darkness without fear, as long as the Good Shepherd leads us.
There is REAL fear and there is IMAGINED fear. Our culture is driven by fear. We can fear this world, but with the Good Shepherd we have something better. Jesus is with us! When we neglect Jesus in our life, we invite fear. We invite imagined fear in our life. The real fear comes as a result of all of us wanting to lead ourselves. There should a real fear of not having God in our life. We can imagine it, but eventually it's real.
2. We forget the line after this, "for You are with me". 2 Tim. 1:7 we are to be bold in our living for Jesus. We are to be bold with the gospel. It is a fear in life versus a trusting in the Lord. If you are a believer, the Holy Spirit is with you. God is leading you through the Holy Spirit. He is directing your paths. He is taking you where you should be according to His will.
The question you have to ask yourself is: Are you afraid? Are you trusting? Jesus told His disciples to "be My witnesses" in Acts 1:8. This takes a life of boldness, not a life of fear for the culture. Look, you cannot go through life without Christ. You won't have a Shepherd that will lead you, a Shepherd that will empower you, a Shepherd that is with you when you face evil. Trusting in Him brings you a peace to go on. To walk through whatever comes.
God Bless, Sleepy Disciple