Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Runaway Ramblings

First of the year, first blog....yea, yea, yea

I ran away from home the summer I was about to turn 17 for about a week.  I was running because I did not like the rules my parents had in the house where I was living.  I didn't care about what they thought!  I thought I could live how I wanted.  I slept on a couch on a friends house.  I went to work on a farm with a friend to make some money.  We stayed up till whatever time we wanted and didn't have to worry about being home or being anywhere for that matter.  I didn't care.  Maybe I was living the "hippie" dream, I don't know.  My parents went out looking for me and actually found where I was living but didn't find me.  They were concerned about where I was and what I was doing.  I was living the free life and loving it.

One day at work, I stepped on a nail.  I was moving some old furniture for this farmer and a rusty 16 penny nail went through my foot.  Ouch!  I panicked.  I didn't know what to do.  My foot was throbbing and within an hour I was getting sick.  I didn't know what to do.  So, after the lack of caring from my "friends", I had some immediate concerns.  I finally decided to break down and call my father......ouch! work.  He heard my sob story and came and got me.  BUT before I was taken for medical treatment, Dad took me to a undisclosed location in the country.....(I thought he was going to end my life and dump my body, he TALKED to me!  I had to have an understanding before he was going to do anything.  In other words, I will help you, BUT, you have to come home and abide by my rules.

When we rebel, it's because we don't want to follow the rules or way of life we are to follow.  They are set for us to keep us safe, teach us responsibility, and to build character in our lives...we read about this plenty in the Bible.  The OT shows how God's people rebelled and God's response to the rebellion.  The NT shows how Christ desires for us to live as believers and children of God.

My outer young man was selfish and that ruled my life.  I didn't know how good I had it at home and I had loved ones who cared about me and cared about my future in life.  Paul does the same treatment in 2 Corinthians:  "Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day."  (2 Cor. 4:16)  When Dad took me to the doctor to get fixed up and crutches, I was renewed physically.  Even though my boo-boos were worked on though, it was really my spirit that was lifted and renewed because I got to go home.  The Father (Heavenly) doesn't want us to rebel against Him, He wants to have faith in Him to take care of us and encourage us in Christ, so that we may be renewed daily.  He is waiting for us to call on Him and to stop running away.  So, don't lose heart, and if you are a child of God, COME HOME!  Call the Father and confess that you need Him!


Jerry Christopher said...

Great personal story and illustration regarding the consequences of rebellion!

Jennifer Macaulay said...

Daddy always knew just the right words that would set us straight!! xoxo