Wow! I recently moved to a dentist that is closer to me to travel and made the first appointment. They did the usual x-rays and checkup which revealed something interesting. I have been grinding my teeth at night. Not to a headache or jaws hurting type grinding, but a habit that is slowly working on my big teeth in the back of my mouth.
Concern! Go to the store and based on the dentist's suggestion buy a mouth guard. Yikes! This looks like something a football player uses. I need to get on this right away because the check up revealed that I need few crowns as a result. Enough of the Personal Dental Visit....right?
Well, I realize that I maybe kinda sort of have a stressful job as most people do. Shocker, I know. At night I seem to be restless and awake because I am thinking of the multiple things that need to be done tomorrow or during the week or month. Can we all say the magic word....ANXIOUS!
I read Philippians 4:6-7 and "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." but WAIT!! v7: "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
I realize that I am humanly trying to handle all this stuff without God. Yes, I believe in Christ as my Savior and Redeemer. Then, why am I ANXIOUS? Because I am not submitting and surrendering to Him in prayer. I pray daily but normally for forgiveness of my sin and everyone who has a prayer request and some other things. That's not good, because in my life I need the peace of God that will guard my heart. So, now I pray before bed thankful to the Lord for the day and it's wonderful blessings and for PEACE so that I may stop being ANXIOUS. Grace and Peace to you, Sleepy Disciple
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