Friday, February 1, 2019

Encourage Believers

Al and I were teamed up together and we met Gilbert.  Gilbert shared a prayer request that as a dad and husband, he was going back to college to get a higher degree.  Wow!  Kids running around in the house and like a boss, he had a pencil hanging out behind his ear.  We prayed for Gilbert and he allowed us to share the gospel with him (3 Circles). 

Most believers usually turn us down because they don't want to be bothered.  They are "good" since they went to church Sunday morning.  We hear this time and time again.  Or, "my husband leads a prayer group at our church, so....we're good." (shut door) Or, "I belong to a group at church and they pray for me." (shut door) Or, "I went to church this morning so I have all I need."  (shut door)

Gilbert, a believer, allowed us to share the gospel with him.  He payed close attention and responded with concern.  He wasn't sure about his relationship with Jesus.  He knew that he had believed in Him at one time and knew of salvation by grace through faith.  One of the great parts of going out into the city is to encourage believers in Christ.  We encouraged Gilbert.  We prayed with him.  We shared Scripture with him and after a brief visit, we offered to train him in the Great Commission. 

1 Thessalonians 5:11 says, "Therefore, encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing."  The "one another" here is the church.  The body of Christ.  Give and accept encouragement, especially in the church.


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