Wednesday, February 20, 2019

No Place Left Individual Plans

Can you imagine that a small group of trainers (disciple makers) from two churches partnering together in Allen would drive over an hour away to train 10 churches to go into the harvest?  I believe that the Holy Spirit is working in a mighty way in ALL of this.  The Great Commission is realized and some disciples there know the urgency, they feel the urgency, they are at work in the urgency!  The gospel is being shared!  Lives will be changed because of Jesus and the spread of the gospel!

So, this reminds me of my personal goals that we learned from Outreach Training that we have: 
1.  Praying for workers to go into the harvest (Luke 10:2)
2.  Pray and engage someone to train with the 4-1-1 (Core Discipleship Lesson for One Hour)
3.  Share the Gospel with someone in your Sphere of Influence - OIKOS)

Accountability is the KEY!  Disciple Making is being accountable to the Great Commission that Jesus has spoken before us to obey!  I need to PRAY, PLAN and PRACTICE!  Constantly.  It takes time, investing my life in sharing the gospel and then, following up and do life together in the Word and Prayer.  I am working with a PURPOSE in the kingdom of God.  It's not really WORK as I realize my PURPOSE.  It's ministry, it's sharing, it needs to become my life.  I need to plan on these all the time.  Would you join me? 

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