Thursday, January 22, 2015

Simply Trust Me

In trying to minister to others and in the community to those we don't really have a relationship built with but desire to do so in the future, what do we have to have to move forward?  What is the single ingredient that is needed to build a foundation of help, care and encouragement with each other?  Even in your circles of influence?  Even in the closest of relationships you have with others?  We may have love or compassion to build on but is it the bedrock of the relationship?

BAM!  that is it!  This is the answer!  This is the solution!  The big word!

I believe that you can have a love for others but if you don't have trust in each other it makes any relationship difficult to move in any direction.  Jesus sums up the commandments in Matthew 22:37-39 by teaching, "Love the Lord your God"...then...."love your neighbor as yourself."  We call this the Great Commandment as it sums up all the Law and what the prophets of old were saying to God's people constantly.

However, before this teaching way back in Proverbs 3:5, there is a wise saying from the writer: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."  Trust is defined as reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence. Being confident in someone else and their abilities. What a concept!

You have to measure how much trust you have in God and in others on a daily basis. If there is no confidence that God has the strength, ability and surety to be a part of your life, then simply you don't believe in Him and what He is capable of doing. If there is no confidence that others to have the strength, ability, and surety to be a part of your life, then simply you may not have very many trusting friends and can be very lonely.  What are the obstacles of your trusting in God and in others?  Can you simply trust?

Sleep on that some.....Sleepy Disciple

Monday, January 12, 2015

Bible Engagement...the new buzz word

I was interested today in reading research on Christians and the frequency in which they read the Bible. Lifeway research has done some studies, Christian Post has reported on it, the Barna Research Group has done some polls and studies as well.  Something interesting that I found was that Bible Engagement is the new buzz word for this type of thing.

The Christian Post writes an article which quotes the Director of Lifeway Research:

"Bible engagement encompasses more than just Bible reading. It measures the extent to which individuals interact with the truth of Scripture and allow it to permeate their thinking and influence their actions,"

Interesting that we are no longer researching just Bible reading but we are now measuring the INTERACTION of the truth of Scripture with our lives. Something that pastor's, minister's, mentors or teachers have been trying to get disciples of Christ to do for centuries. And the result of this interaction causes one to think and be influenced by the Word of God. AMEN!

But the real question should be is how hungry are we for the Lord and His Word? The Truth? Not only to read it, but to ENGAGE with it so that it will change our thinking and influence our lives.

When we are doing these things, here is where we will find God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Redemption, Salvation, Repentance, Relationship and Satisfaction.  When we are engaging in the Word of God to get to know God every day.  Will you be another statistic?

-Sleepy Disciple

The article I referenced linked here:

Monday, January 5, 2015

Are you a CONTENDER?

I find that many people I meet and talk to say that they know the Lord and I wonder if that is just in name only.  It is a mindset that that we are all good and we know the name of the Lord is the ticket for having faith.  This is misconception of what faith truly is.  J.R.R. Tolkien, one of my favorite authors has said, "Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens."  We cannot have faith as a light switch that is turned off and on at a moment's notice.  With many cases, our faith may be in the "OFF" position.

I believe that when we read the Scriptures we find that faith is often partnered with trust.  Many who have known the Lord and may have placed their faith in Him often still do not trust in Him.  Proverbs 3:5-6 gives us great wisdom in placing our trust in the Lord and Luke 9:23 gives a command in discipleship at the beginning to "deny myself" which would be placing my complete faith and trust in the Lord for all things.

Looking at Isaiah 43, we find the Israelite's in captivity and the simple reason for this is that they lost their faith in God.  They had abandoned God in their relationship with Him.  But God still desired a relationship with them - it was part of their covenant agreement,  God declares who He is, what He had done for them in the past, but also declares that He will do something new for the future.  If they would return, He would care for them as He did in the past.  If they would have faith and trust in Him no matter what there will come time of refreshment and renewal.

In Jude, we read in the third verse that we are to "contend earnestly for the faith."  This gives me an idea that faith is something that I fight for daily to keep fresh in my life so that I will not abandon it.  When I read of the struggles the Israelite's had in the Old Testament, they should be lessons for me to "contend" even more, trusting in the Lord and placing my faith in Him everyday.  What are you fighting for in your faith?

-Sleepy Disciple